New Orleans


This photo album is going to be a little different from any photo album you may have seen before.  My photo album is going to tell a (hopefully) humorous story with sections of the story linking to some of the almost 580 pictures I took with my digital camera while there.

The first day:   Aug. 18th

The second day:  Aug. 19th

The third day:  Aug. 20th

The fourth and final day:  Aug. 21st

Unfortunately, I had to shrink the pictures displayed on this web site.   If you would like larger images, just e-mail me and let me know which pictures you would like.  The pictures will be the last characters after the "/" in the browser address, or just give me a description of the picture(s).


This page was updated to break the story down into 4 different pages.   Some people were complaining that the story was too long.  I separated it so that people can take a break between readings.....LOL


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